Electrical Installations
Q-CERT is an accredited inspection body providing inspection and certification services for electrical installations.
Electrical installations are potentially dangerous if they are not properly designed and installed. Their safe operation requires that both design and installation relevant standards’ requirements were met and always under the condition that they are correctly used.
The inspection (initial or regular re-inspection) is carried out in accordance with Ministerial Decision 101195 “General and special requirements for electrical installations” (Government Gazette 4654/B/8.10.2021) and an accredited certificate of conformity of the installation is issued.
The ΕΝ 60364:2020 standard for the study, construction, changes, additions and controls of electrical installations is applied for the control. The EN 60364:2020 standard replaced HD 384 which was in force since 2004 (Government Gazette 470/B/5.3.2004).
Q-CERT is an accredited inspection body providing inspection and certification services for Photovoltaic Plants (PV) against the requirements of the EN 62446 series of standards.
The inspection (initial or periodic) is carried out based on the standards EN 62446-1:2016/A1:2018 and EN 62446:2009 and an accredited certificate of conformity of the facility is issued. The check includes: