The GLOBALG.A.P. IFA certification for Fruit and Vegetables is an internationally recognized certification related to Good Agricultural Practice that promotes safe, sustainable, and high-quality agricultural production. Through this certification, producers can ensure that their products meet high quality standards while protecting the environment and natural resources. 

What is the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA FV Standard? 

The GLOBALG.A.P. IFA standard covers the requirements of the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and aligns with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, ensuring compliance with stringent safety and quality specifications. 

The IFA v6 for fruits and vegetables has two versions: 

  • IFA v6 Smart: Suitable for most producers, adopting the overall philosophy of GLOBALG.A.P. 
  • IFA v6 GFS: Designed for producers requiring GFSI-recognized certification. 

Both versions are accepted for post-farm product handling facilities certified by BRCGS and IFS. The choice depends on the customer’s requirements. 

Why Do You Need Certification with the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA FV Standard? 

The GLOBALG.A.P. IFA certification offers producers the following benefits: 

  • Compliance with International Safety and Quality Standards: Ensures that agricultural products meet strict market-imposed requirements. 
  • Increased Competitiveness: Provides an advantage in a competitive market with demanding clients. 
  • Consumer and Environmental Protection: Guarantees safe products and enhances environmental sustainability through responsible resource management. 

Benefits of GLOBALG.A.P. IFA FV Certification 

  • Product Safety and Quality

Producers ensure their production processes meet the industry’s best practices. 

  • Consumer and Business Confidence

Certification strengthens trust in product quality, contributing to the development of stable business relationships. 

  • Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility

The standard encourages responsible management of natural resources, such as water and soil, and reduces the use of chemicals. 

  • Access to New Markets

Businesses can expand into international markets and compete with larger partners that have high certification standards. 

GLOBALG.A.P. IFA FV Certification Process 

  • First Year 
  1. Initial Review: Review of the producer’s application, acceptance, and registration in the GLOBALG.A.P. database. 
  2. Audit Scheduling: Setting audit dates. 
  3. Audit: On-site audit of facilities, staff, quality system, records, and processes according to the standard’s requirements. For producer groups, the quality system, the square root of producers per crop type (annual, covered, perennial), and the square root of packhouses are inspected. 
  4. File Review and Certification Decision: Technical review of the audit file and decision on certification. 
  5. Certificate Issuance: The certificate is valid for one year, with a possible four-month extension under certain conditions. 
  6. Surveillance Audit: In the case of group certification, 50% of the square root of producers per crop type is inspected annually for certification maintenance. 
  • Subsequent Years 
  1. Initial Review: Review of the producer’s application, acceptance, and registration in the GLOBALG.A.P. database.
  2. Audit Scheduling: Setting audit dates. 
  3. Audit: On-site audit of facilities, staff, quality system, records, and processes according to the standard’s requirements. For producer groups, the quality system, the square root of producers per crop type minus those inspected in the previous year’s surveillance (reduction applies only if no non-conformities were found), and the square root of packhouses are inspected. 
  4. File Review and Certification Decision: Technical review of the audit file and decision on certification. 
  5. Certificate Issuance: The certificate is valid for one year, with a possible four-month extension under certain conditions.  

Target Audience and Industry-Specific Needs 

The certification is aimed at: 

  • Farmers and producer groups growing fruits and vegetables. 
  • Organizations and cooperatives seeking to comply with global safety and environmental sustainability standards. 

FAQs on GLOBALG.A.P. IFA FV Certification 

Can a small company be certified with the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA FV standard? 

Yes, the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA certification is suitable for smaller businesses that wish to demonstrate their commitment to product quality and safety. 

How does GLOBALG.A.P. IFA FV certification benefit producers? 

Certification offers producers an organized framework for safe production management, facilitating access to new markets and enhancing their industry reputation. 

Q-CERT is an accredited certification body by ESYD for GLOBALG.A.P. standards and offers comprehensive certification services throughout Greece and internationally. 

For more information or any questions, please contact our certification body Q-CERT or visit the official website of GLOBALG.A.P. 

Audit Information & ExpectationsApplication Form
F-2711F-2712.OP1, F-2713.OP2