QMSCERT Audits Inspections Certifications “Q-CERT”
Q-CERT was founded in 1998 by Lazaros Karanikas and immediately collaborated with professional system and product inspectors. The involvement of Q-CERT members with control and quality management begins in 1987 in the U.S. with manufacturing software for monitoring and measuring quality parameters and processes for chemical industry, aluminum production, rubber, etc.

Since 1993, in Greece, Q-CERT members are involved in successful ISO 9001 certifications, and in 1999 the Q-CERT becomes an assessment body for the historical U.S. certification body ASR (American Systems Registrar).
In 2002 Q-CERT is accredited for the first time by ESYD for inspection and certification of quality management system ISO 9001 and Health and Food Safety HACCP ELOT 1416, while in 2003 receives accreditation to Environmental Management Systems ISO 14001 and EMAS.
Since then, Q-CERT continues to expand its scope of accreditation in the field of management, while it has also expanded as a notified body in the areas of product certification and CE marking in the mandatory and the voluntary sector.
Q-CERT is active in Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Egypt, Turkey, Poland and generally in the Balkans and the countries of the Mediterranean having inspected more than 5000 organizations and is constantly gaining the trust of more customers.
Q-CERT in its effort to provide complete certification services to its customers has entered into a strategic collaboration with Institutions abroad. Indicatively:
Q-CERT’s experience, its continuous accreditation scope expansion and its cooperation with Certification Bodies domestically and abroad, allows it to meet a large range of certification needs, from many business sectors.